Hand Sanitizer


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Hand Sanitizer

  • 99.9% effective in killing microorganisms
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  • HS 80 Hand Sanitizer, Image of Hand Sanitizer

    Hand Sanitizer


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      HS 80 Hand Sanitizer, Image of Hand Sanitizer

      Hand Sanitizer


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      HS80 Hand Sanitizer from RhinoTech

      This hand sanitizer is an antiseptic product that is 80% ethyl alcohol-based. It’s 99.9% effective in killing microorganisms.
      We recommend its use for adults, only, and a simple option when soap and water are unavailable. Please do not overuse.

      Instructions for use:

      1. Remove dirt and grime from hands.
      2. Spray or Apply a dime-quarter size amount of HS 80 Hand Sanitizer in the palm of one hand.
      3. Rub hands together, thoroughly, for 20 seconds making sure to cover all surfaces and between fingers of both hands.
      4. Make sure that both hands have completely absorbed the hand sanitizer.
      5. Let completely dry.
      6. Once hands are dry, it is acceptable to handle food.
      Hand Sanitizer

      8 oz. 6 Pack, Quart

      SKU: HS80 Category: 
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