Reduce, Reuse, Recirculate with 3 Types of Responsible Recirculation Systems for Screen Printers

REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE and RECIRCULATERecirculate for the sake of our planet.

The first 3 words represent our nation’s activism in the 1970s that awakened a conscious desire to improve our respect for our environment and our Mother Earth. United under shared values to protect our planet, it was estimated that over 20 million people came together during the first celebration of Earth Day on April 22, 1970. The 4th word, Recirculate, exemplifies our continued drive to be as environmentally-friendly in our industry, as possible, with state-of-the-art Recirculating Systems that enable the ability to reduce and reuse and eliminate product waste. Greening-up a screen-printing business simply makes good business sense – for owners, employees and our planet.

Within that vein, we offer screen cleaning systems to accommodate screen printing shops from home-based and store-front companies to large scale commercial operations in their efforts to be environmentally responsible. We recognize, too, that the bottom-line of a business is also prominent. In response to that bottom-line accountability and respect for the safeguards and policy laws enacted by city, county, Parrish, state and federal entities, RhinoTech showcases the M-10-2 Recirculating System.

This particular Recirculating System maximizes the economy of the screen cleaning function. It embraces an intelligent way to clean and reuse screen cleaning products. Additionally, the M-10-2, like all of our other Recirculating Systems, fits securely under a washout booth that is a bonus when floor space is at a premium.

The M-10-2 operates with an air-operated trigger action, flow-through brush, 2 GPM with flow tray and comes with filtration media. To help reduce and reuse screen cleaning chemicals, it is held in a 17-gallon tank to offer incredible cost savings (you can also clean flood bars and squeegees). This system will reduce and reuse chemical waste along with the annual costs of re-supplying screen wash. Energy consumption is reduced due to an air pressure system of 30-40-PSI. Annual out-lay based on this recirculating method is evidenced in bottom-line savings for the company. Lastly, the M-10-2 will help to pro-actively green-up a business and honor our Mother Earth.


M-10-1            Features: Recirculating Pumping System, Air Operated Up to 1.5 GPM Pump & Flow Tray Filtration Media

M-10-4            Features: Heavy Duty Recirculating, Pumping System with Air Operated 4 GPM, Pump & Flow Tray Filtration Media


SWG 305 is a soy-based, water-soluble screen wash. These are its other excellent features:

  • Low Odor screen wash designed to work quickly on Plastisol Ink.
  • Ideal for efficient and expedient screen washing after the press run.
  • Has a very high flash point, over 425 F.
  • Biodegradable, non-toxic and environmentally friendly. Meets the VOC regulations, rule 1171.

Need a consult on how to incorporate a Recirculating Screen Cleaning System into your business? Have product and equipment questions? Let’s talk.

651-686-5027; 888-7171-4466;

M-10-2 Recirculating System is a Must-Have for Screen Printers Everywhere.
The TRUTH about Recirculating Systems
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